The mission of the St. Anastasia Respect Life Ministry is to advance the Culture of Life through Prayer, Education, Outreach and Community Support and to facilitate growth in the Pro-Life movement by cultivating the next generation of Pro-Life leaders. We work to achieve this mission through the following Goals and Activities:
Offer parishioners opportunities to gather in prayer for the Pro-Life cause.
Pray for a spiritual re-awakening in our nation which will affirm the value of human life in all stages.
Educate parishioners on issues that arise in defending Life in all stages.
Offer educational programs which affirm the value of the unborn, those with physical and mental challenges and the elderly.
Provide opportunities for parishioners to participate in activities which protect and support pregnant mothers.
Support activities of other parish groups that minister to the physical and mentally disabled.
Extend invitations to other parish organizations to expand the impact of Pro-Life activities.
Network with local Pro-Life parish groups to benefit from shared ideas and experience.
Encourage outreach to the young.
Community Support
Assist women facing unplanned pregnancies in our own parish and community.
Raise money and collect baby supplies and clothing for local pregnancy care centers and maternity homes.
Reach out in compassion to post-abortive women by directing them toward counseling resources and retreats given by Project Rachel, Rachel’s Vineyard and other organizations.
Bring your Time and Talent to Life: Our group meets at least once a month to advance Pro-Life activities. We welcome new members who can assist with short-term and long-term projects. Do you have a special talent that you’d like to bring to Life? Do you have computer skills, social media know-how or are you great at networking with others? Whatever it is, we need your help!! Please contact our group at [email protected]