Two parish meetings were held in April, 2024 with approximately 100 parishioners in attendance. An overview of the 2022 DMI survey results were presented, and small group discussions were held.
The following is a summary of the feedback received from the parishioners regarding actions that the parish can take to address areas of improvement that were identified in the DMI survey.
If you want to volunteer or have comments, contact: [email protected]
Priority 1 Strengthen our Missionary Impulse
Goal 1 Encourage and invite others to parish events
Action 1 Parish Social Events
Adult Socials
Family Socials such as: Summer movie night, Game Day/night, evening at a sporting event or show (spring)
Action 2 Parish Spiritual Events
Parish Mission (planned for 2025)
Promote confession at the Advent and Lenten Penance Services
Inform about confessions at other nearby Parishes.
Goal 2 Offer new diverse community outreach
Action 1 Strengthen Parish and School connection
Periodic updates in bulletin on school/student achievements
Announce grade school events monthly
Action 2 Sunday at Annies
Sunday Coffee Break (short presentation after mass in church on topics of interest e.g. caregiver support, mental health)
Presentation of school projects: e.g. Dioramas/Holy Week, Meet a Saint Museum
Priority 2 Deepening Spiritual Practice
Goal 1 Enhance Mass Experience
Action 1 Explaining elements of the Mass
Simple explanation of Mass part: brief, 30 seconds, scripted, embedded in mass. Enhance with social media, video, links etc.
Action 2 Expand music selection and styles
Piano Mass (music would be piano only)
Alternate music selections
Youth music
Use 5:15 mass occasionally for visiting or other types of music.
Goal 2 Provide Faith Sharing Tools
Action 1 Workshops
Small Faith sharing Groups, once and done with a one-night session
Action 2 Identify ways to pray and share faith
Pamphlets on how to pray, saints, communicate podcast suggestions
Catholic items for sale (before Christmas, e.g. tiny saints)
General suggestion: Use of electronics to advertise (white board/smart board/electronic displays/QR codes for organizations